
Thursday, January 26, 2017

Notepad++ to aws using pscp

PSCP can use saved putty session, thus using putty authentication.

PSCP command:
#scp will overwrite in default
pscp E:\OneDrive\Proj\node\node_code.js LAMP:/home/ubuntu/node/auth/

AWS session time out FIX

Assuming your Amazon EC2 instance is running Linux (and the very likely case that you are using SSH-2, not 1), the following should work pretty handily:
  1. Remote into your EC2 instance.
  2. Add a "client-alive" directive to the instance's SSH-server configuration file.
    echo 'ClientAliveInterval 60' | sudo tee --append /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  3. Restart or reload the SSH server, for it to recognize the configuration change.
    • The command for that on Ubuntu Linux would be..
      sudo service ssh restart
    • On any other Linux, though, the following is probably correct..
      sudo service sshd restart
  4. Disconnect.
The next time you SSH into that EC2 instance, those super-annoying frequent connection freezes/timeouts/drops should hopefully be gone.
This is also helps with Google Compute Engine instances, which come with similarly annoying default settings.
Warning: Do note that TCPKeepAlive settings (which also exist) are subtly, yet distinctly different from the ClientAlive settings that I propose above, and that changing TCPKeepAlive settings from the default may actually hurt your situation rather than help.